Notes on PhotoShop                11-11-05

Taken by Catherine Moutran


Every picture is an image that can be adjusted. A few tools that can adjust a picture are noted below:


Image > Adjustments:

  • Levels: can adjust dark, light and median color.
  • Curves- adjusts color as a whole
  • Color Balance
  • Brightness-Contrast
  • Hue-Saturation: make picture more vivid (hue: will change colors; colorize: we choose the colors that we want to put in the picture --in case all other colors are black and white).
  • Shadow-Highlight


In order to fix the blurriness/haziness of a picture you should go to Filter and then sharpen. You can sharpen a picture up to two times, however if you sharpen the picture more than twice, the picture gets ruined.




  • The Clone tool: click alt + clone (control click or right click > get hardness box + reduce opacity + flow)
  • The Healing Brush: we need to click Alt/Option + the source and then use this brush.
  • The Patch Tool: to select a spot we do not want and get rid of it.
  • The Rectangular Marquee Tool selects a specific region to change.
  • Dodge tool/ Burn tool - click on brackets [] to enlarge and make smaller and then click on the area to be worked on => brighten or darken any specific area in a picture.
  • The Sponge tool- (go up + Mode) you can saturate (add colors) or de-saturate (remove colors) a part on the picture.
  • The Blur tool- you can blur the picture using this tool.
  • The Sharpen tool: to sharpen a few areas chosen
  • Smudge tool- smudges the picture.
  • The Eraser tool- you can erase any part of the picture using either the normal eraser tool or other designs; such as stars or leaves.


** Filter > Liquify => to adjust shapes- This option enables us to fix/distort the image.


** Sizing pictures and unlocking background: in order to rename a background double click on the background and click OK => layer 0 => and you will unlock the background allowing you to move and change background freely. If we click on shift + show bounding box on top > then we can stretch the picture proportionally > enter > layer > flatten image.


** Rotate: Image > rotate canvas


** History brush tool: we do whatever we want then we use this tool wherever we want only. Note that if we rotate the picture, we will not be able to use this tool anymore.


** Fixing Faces: blurring + retouching the whole face

o       Magic wand > select all face by clicking shift > right click > feather > 5 > OK

o       Control/Command C (copy) + Control/Command V (paste)

o       Choose first layer with face only

o       Filter > blur > Gaussian blur > radius: stronger (to blur more)

o       Eraser tool > brush parts of face that we want to have

o       Opacity of layer: reduce

o       Layer > flatten image


** Changing eye color:

o       Zoom in > choose the color replacement tool (under healing brush) > choose the color we want to use > click on Elliptical Marquee tool (first top left in the tool box)

o       Zoom in more > make a circle around the eye > shift + another circle around the other eye > image adjustment > hue saturation


** Blending Modes:

    • Open two pictures in Photoshop
    • Select one with the rectangular marquee tool => copy and paste it inside the frame of the other one
    • Use the eraser (make the brush bigger) to erase the borders of the one we want to blend with the other photo
    • OR Select the second picture with the rectangular marquee tool => go to Select => feather => modify the number (50?) => Select => inverse => delete




1.      Adjust:

a.       Levels

b.      Curves

c.       Color balance

d.      Brightness/contrast

e.       Hue/saturation

2.      Use the healing brush to edit 1 spot and use the patch tool

3.      Use the dodge tool to brighten parts in the photo

4.      Remove the haziness in the picture